Corporate Taxation
- E-filing of income tax return (ECI & Income tax form) with Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS)
- Preparation of income tax schedules
- Drafting of professional letter to tax authority for objection and appeal cases
- Tax Advisory & Planning
Personal Income Tax Services
- Preparing and Submitting of the income tax computation for the Year
- Preparing of Form IR8A
- Online submission of Form B1
GST: Assisted Self-Help Kit (ASK) And The IRAS Audit
- Enhance your entities’ GST compliance to help detect errors and avoid costly penalties
- Perform ASK annual review for GST-registered businesses applying/renewing for the various GST schemes such as Major Exporter Scheme (MES)
- Review past GST Declaration based on IRAS GST: Assisted Self-Help Kit (ASK) Annual Review Guide
- Select GST Return(s) for review
- Quantify the errors and submit the findings to IRAS for review if there were exceptions
- Complete the ASK Declaration Form
- Certification conducted by tax professionals who are Accredited Tax Practitioners (GST) or Accredited Tax Advisors (GST)